domingo, 2 de julio de 2017


                                                         MOBILE ROBOTS

Mobile robots are devices that can use as a medium
Of locomotion, wheels or legs, depending on their application, and
Throughout history have been developed for the purpose of
Scientific and / or research.
With the coming of new planning and
Automatic reasoning, from 1966 to 1972 was developed in the SRI the first mobile robot
Called Shakey1, Which was an independent mobile platform controlled by vision through
A camera and equipped with a touch detector. From that point on, research and
Design of mobile robots (which had very different characteristics between them) grew
In the early seventies, the robot Newt2
Was developed by Hollis. The robot
 Developed at the LAAS in France. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
Developed the Lunar rover 4, Particularly designed for planetary exploration.
At the end of that decade, Moravec developed the robot Stanford cart5, Capable of following a
Path delimited by a line established on a surface, in SAIL. In 1983, the
Robot Raibert6, Was developed at MIT, a single-legged robot designed to study the
Stability of these systems. At the beginning of the nineties, Vos et al. They developed
A robot "unicycle" 7
(A single wheel, similar to a bicycle) at MIT.
Years later, in 1994, the CMU Robotics Institute developed the robot Dante II8, a
Six-leg system. In 1996 also in the CMU, the robot Gyrover9 was developed, a
Absent mechanism of wheels and legs based on the operation of the gyroscope.

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