domingo, 2 de julio de 2017



It is understood as humanoid robot at robot type that constructive and
Morphologically resembles a human being and can perform almost
Same functions as him.
In 1997, the Japanese company HONDA, released the robot P3, the
First humanoid able to imitate movements of the human body. To the
Next year, is held at Waseda University in Japan, the
WABIAN R-III, a humanoid robot. In 1999 at the CMU, Zeglin proposed
A new robot design with a leg called Bow Leg Hopper, a
Design that allows to store the potential energy of the leg.
A high percentage of the humanoid robots that are implemented today in
Try to imitate our motor system to move and interact with the environment that
Surrounds Of all the movements we make, walking is, without a doubt, the most complex
Of all of them, since, even if we do not realize it, walking is not just displacing our feet
On the floor, but our knees, hip, spine, arms, head ... come together for
Able to maintain balance at all times.

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